Maunakea Weather Center

MKWC Forecaster Fog Statistics
Select Forecaster: MKWC Forecaster | GFS | WRF
Select Variable: Fog | Temperature | Precipitable Water | Seeing
Select Forecast Night: Night-1 | Night-2 | Night-3 | Night-4 | Night-5
% Chance Num. of Times Observed Num. of Times this % Forecasted Forecaster's %
0 441 5611 8
5 16 120 13
10 82 498 16
15 23 99 23
20 92 322 29
25 87 339 26
30 58 213 27
35 12 22 55
40 118 344 34
45 1 1 100
50 162 435 37
55 0 1 0
60 186 439 42
65 40 93 43
70 29 47 62
75 349 601 58
80 86 134 64
85 24 27 89
90 276 376 73
95 116 139 83
100 15 19 79

Observed Not Observed
Forecasted 15 (H) 4 (F)
Not Forecasted 441 (M) 5170 (Z)

Skill Stats
Proportion of Perfect FCSTS (PPF)0.92
Probability of Detection (POD)0.03
False Alarm Rate (FAR)000
Frequency Bias Index (FBI)0.04

PPF = (H+Z)/(H+F+M+Z)FAR = F/(F+Z)
FBI = (H+F)/(H+M)POD = H/(H+M)

Fog Stats last updated on: Tue, Mar 21 2023 - 2052 UTC